Species composition
5 samples from the human microbiome project were were classified with kraken2 and bracken. Taxa with at least at 200 reads were kept and used as input to both MeSS and CAMISIM.
Use this nextflow pipeline to generate the fastqs.
microViz was used for the ordination plots and statistical tests.
Samples from the same bodysite cluster together. In addition, simulated samples cluster well with real samples (gold_standard and gs_filtered).
Null hypothesis : No significant difference in species composition between simulated and non simulated samples
Df SumOfSqs R2 F Pr(>F)
body_site 3 12.153 0.37843 15.6933 0.001 ***
origin:simulated 3 1.117 0.03479 1.4429 0.067 .
Residual 73 18.844 0.58678
Total 79 32.115 1.00000
Significant difference between body sites. No significant difference between simulated and real samples
Beta dispersion
Null hypothesis : No significant difference in dispersion between samples of different origin
Fit: aov(formula = distances ~ group, data = df)
diff lwr upr p adj
gs_filtered-gold_standard 2.249163e-03 -0.03593552 0.04043384 0.9986690
camisim-gold_standard -2.310968e-02 -0.06129435 0.01507500 0.3905351
mess-gold_standard -2.308946e-02 -0.06127414 0.01509522 0.3913195
camisim-gs_filtered -2.535884e-02 -0.06354352 0.01282584 0.3082419
mess-gs_filtered -2.533862e-02 -0.06352330 0.01284606 0.3089344
mess-camisim 2.021632e-05 -0.03816446 0.03820490 1.0000000
No significant difference between filtered and non-filtered samples, simulated and real samples.
- Same species composition between original and filtered samples
- Same species composition between MeSS and CAMISIM