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a) Fasta processing

Before generating reads, mess pre-processes fastas for read simulators as shown below:

graph LR
  A[genome_asmV3.fna.gz] --> B{seqkit 
  B--> C[genome.fna];
  C --> D{};
  D --> E[genome_contig1.fna];
  D --> F[genome_contig2.fna];
  D --> G[genome_contig3.fna];

seqkit seq

File renaming

Files are renamed according to the fasta or accession column in the input file or assembly_summary.tsv file.

Done to avoid Snakemake filename matching erros.


Done because read simulators take decompressed fasta as input

Removing long fasta headers

Done to ensure correct BAM formatting for samtools

Correct amount of sequences

Art_illumina generates the same amount of reads per contig (Milhaven and Pfeifer, 2023). This means that, for fragmented assemblies, read sampling will not be uniform across contigs.

In fact, when we use art_illumina --fcov 10 on this slightly fragmented E.coli genome, we expect 51534530 simulated bases (10x genome size). However we obtain, 51251100, which less than requested. Thus, to uniformly sample reads acros contigs, we split the genome and apply the same art_illumina command for each contig.

Compatibilty with pbsim3

Since pbsim3 already splits fasta, inputting split fasta is faster.