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Download an example

We can use a bracken report from bracken's sample data.

curl -o bracken.txt

Format table

We can use csvtk to extract the required columns (taxonomy_id and new_est_reads) for the mess input table.

csvtk cut -t -f taxonomy_id,new_est_reads bracken.txt \
    | csvtk rename -t -f 1,2 -n taxon,reads \
    | csvtk -t sort -k reads:nr > bracken.tsv

Update taxids

Use taxonkit to update removed/merged taxids

csvtk cut -t -U -f taxon bracken.tsv \
    | taxonkit lineage --show-status-code 2> tax.log \
    | csvtk -t add-header -n old_taxid,updated_taxid,lineage 1> lineage.tsv

Checking the tax.log (as of may 2024)

$ cat tax.log
11:03:42.688 [WARN] taxid 1172 was merged into 264691
11:03:42.688 [WARN] taxid 86662 was merged into 1405

Get the updated taxids, with taxid count

csvtk join -t bracken.tsv lineage.tsv -f 1 \
    | csvtk cut -t -f updated_taxid,reads \
    | csvtk rename -t -f 1,2 -n taxon,reads > updated.tsv

Replace unclassified taxids


Some taxids have no genome data available !

For example, 60481, 164757 and 189918 correspond to unclassified Shewanella sp. MR-7, Mycobacterium sp. JLS and Mycobacterium sp. KMS, repsectively.

We can replace unclassified species with other species from the same genus.

We also add the nb column to tell mess to download one genome per taxon.

cat updated.tsv \
    | csvtk replace -t -f taxon -p "60481" -r "211586" \
    | csvtk replace -t -f taxon -p "164757" -r "83332" \
    | csvtk replace -t -f taxon -p "189918" -r "557599" \
    > clean.tsv


For a quick run (~ 5 min with 10 threads), we can subset the top 10 most abundant taxa for our simulation.

csvtk head -t -n 10 clean.tsv > subsample.tsv
taxon reads
562 1449813
1396 1288824
1280 1212241
1076 824296
83332 699935
148447 656706
132919 622314
272131 590648
303 515978
32046 466493


Now that we cleaned up and subsampled bracken's taxonomic profile we can use it for mess run.

By default, mess downloads 1 reference genome per taxon and excludes atypical genomes (see download guide. ) For read simulation, the default parameters generate paired 150 bp illumina reads using art_illumina's HiSeq 2500 error profile.

Using the --bam flag yields an alignment file and a ground truth taxonomic profile.

mess run -i subsample.tsv --bam --threads 10



$ seqkit stats mess_out/fastq/*.fq.gz --all
processed files:  2 / 2 [======================================] ETA: 0s. done
file                               format  type   num_seqs        sum_len  min_len  avg_len  max_len   Q1   Q2   Q3  sum_gap  N50  Q20(%)  Q30(%)  AvgQual  GC(%)
mess_out/fastq/subsample_R1.fq.gz  FASTQ   DNA   8,326,992  1,249,048,800      150      150      150  150  150  150        0  150   98.01   91.67    27.79  50.76
mess_out/fastq/subsample_R2.fq.gz  FASTQ   DNA   8,326,992  1,249,048,800      150      150      150  150  150  150        0  150   97.31   89.64    26.51  50.76
  • Total read count correspond to the one requested in the input (256 reads difference)

Taxonomic profile

Bracken composition

taxon reads seq_abundance
562 1449813 0.17410469821482438
1396 1288824 0.15477190063271803
1280 1212241 0.14557522485219607
1076 824296 0.09898780485461704
83332 699935 0.08405357928573762
148447 656706 0.07886230841209485
132919 622314 0.07473225248005103
272131 590648 0.07092955559868037
303 515978 0.06196260757455525
32046 466493 0.056020068094525345

Simulated composition

I calculated sequence abundances from true read counts in logs/coverage/subsample.tsv, and added each genomes taxid at species level (with taxonkit reformat --show-lineage-taxids).

taxon reads seq_abundance
562 1449799 0.1741083695048584
1396 1288786 0.1547720953736955
1280 1212160 0.1455699729265982
1076 824275 0.0989883261566721
1773 699930 0.0840555629211604
148447 656686 0.0788623310794582
132919 622291 0.0747317879013213
272131 590622 0.0709286138379861
303 515970 0.0619635517843658
32046 466473 0.0560193885138835

I used a wilcoxon test to compare abundances

>>> from scipy.stats import wilcoxon
>>> delta = abs(real_df["seq_abundance"] - sim_df["seq_abundance"])
>>> wilcoxon(delta)
WilcoxonResult(statistic=24.0, pvalue=0.76953125)

  • Non significant difference in sequence abundance between the simulated and real sample (mean delta = \({1.47}^{-06}\), \(p=0.77\))